Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Unit 1 reflection

Here is my first post from this new adventure!
So far, I have done the first activities: 
  • Setting up a blog as my personal portfolio on Blogger.
  • Introducing myself through a shared image with stickers on Facebook.
  • Pinpointing my location on a shared map.
Setting up my blog was an easy task since I have done it before in other online courses.
I thought it would be easy to define yourself with Facebook stickers but it was harder than expected to use the best three that would describe myself accurately. It is incredible how much a simple emoji or sticker can mean. It is a wonderful way to help students to express themselves.
The map susprised me, too. I have done so many online courses and a few MOOC and SPOOC but it was the first time I pinpointed myself on a map, which I think makes people feel closer because you see everybody in the same image.
See you around.


  1. Every time I look at the bicycle icon travelling up your arm it makes me smile!

  2. Hello Ruben!
    I' m sorry I missed your blog post!😔 For some reason I know I' ve read about you, but definitely not here! Amazing job!🌟👏🌟👏
